What Is Batman's Dog's Name

While many of the live-action movies and some cartoons don't show it, many comic fans will know that Batman had some loyal and interesting pets over the years. Some might recognize his dog, Ace, while others might think of the Bat-Cow. Some fans might not know that either of those "sidekicks" existed at all.

Not every hero has or needs a pet in their comics, but they're almost always a fun addition. Superman isn't the only hero who's had a pet like Krypto the Superdog, and to show off more animal sidekicks, here are Batman's beloved pets.

10 Ace The Bat-Hound (Earth-One)

Ace is arguably the most well-known pet that Batman's ever had, even though he didn't appear too frequently in the comics. He was first shown inBatman #92in the 1950s when Batman and Robin found him after his owner, John Wilker, was captured. While Batman and Robin tried to rescue John, Ace showed plenty of tracking and fighting skills that helped them along the way.

After finding John, Ace would show up on occasion until John eventually decided to give Ace to Bruce Wayne. While he didn't show up too frequently in the comics after that, he did appear in several animated Batman adventures.

9 Mogo The Bat-Ape (Earth-One)

In the late 50s, Mogo was introduced as an ape who was trained to do an act in circus performances. During one show, the money from the box office was stolen, and Mogo seems alarmed and upset during the robbery. When Batman and Robin leave to find the culprit, Mogo escapes so he can follow them back to the Batcave.

Once inside the cave, he sees Batman's equipment around and curiously puts on one of Batman's capes and cowls. Batman and Robin seem to enjoy his company, and they bring Mogo with them to a warehouse where they find that one of Mogo's trainers, Ralph Rodor, had stolen the money from the circus. Mogo is set free by one of his other trainers after this, but even though his time with Batman and Robin wasn't long, he was still a helpful addition to the Bat-Family.

8 Ace Who Was Previously Owned By A Shaman (New Earth)

Even in the DC Multiverse, Batman loves to name his different dogs "Ace." In the early 90s, after the original Ace hadn't been in the comics for years, a new Ace was introduced when Batman took in a new dog. This dog had belonged to a Native American shaman named Black Wolf, but Black Wolf died shortly after Batman asked for his help.

While this Ace didn't get a mask or a cape, he still got to hang out with Batman in the Batcave. This meant that he didn't make many appearances in the comics though. And while he did seem to be a good guard dog to have around, he eventually stopped being included in Batman's adventures without explanation.

7 Ace The Bat-Hound As A Puppy (Tiny Titans)

TheTiny Titans series from the late 2000s to early 2010s followed younger, child versions of many DC heroes and villains, and their pets made appearances somewhat frequently. One pet that popped up quite a bit is Ace The Bat-Hound as a puppy wearing a mask and a tiny cape.

Throughout the series, Ace made a lot of friends with the other Titans and their pets, and he even joined the Super Pets for a few adventures. At one point, Ace even decides to take on a sidekick of his own and starts being followed by his new partner, Robin Robin, who is a bird with a Robin costume on.

6 Bat-Cow (Tiny Titans)

Bat-Cow in theTiny Titans universe technically wasn't accepted into the Bat-Family with open arms, as she actually managed to swipe one of Batman's cowl-cape combos and started to run around with it on. Originally, Robin tried to take it back from the cow so he wouldn't get in trouble with Batman, but eventually, he gave up and accepted Bat-Cow as a part of the family.

Bat-Cow later got accepted by the other Titans when she was brought to a "Pet Club" meeting. She also went on to form a group of other hero-like cows in the series called the "League of Just Us Cows," which seemed to be a play on words relating to the Justice League.

5 Titus Who Was A Gift To Damian From Bruce (Prime Earth)

Another dog in the Bat-Family, Titus was a gift for Damian Wayne from Bruce. He first appeared in the second issue of Batman and Robin in the New 52 comic series. So far, Titus doesn't fight crime like Batman's old dog did, but he still shares a few connections with the Bat-Hound.

Most notably, while Damian did name him Titus after the Shakespeare character Titus Andronicus, Titus is still occasionally called Ace as a nickname by members of the Bat-family.

4 Bat-Cow (Prime Earth)

Bat-Cow can be seen inBatman Incorporated after Batman and Robin (Damien Wayne) have to go through a slaughterhouse while they're trying to stop Professor Pyg. When Damien sees this cow, it appears to have a shape across its eyes that somewhat resembled the Batman logo.

The cow's appearance makes Damien form a connection with it, and he rescues the cow from the slaughterhouse before telling Batman that he's going to be a vegetarian. The rescued cow is then named Bat-Cow and it lives on a farm on the Wayne property. Bat-Cow also joined the Legion of Super-Pets for a while.

3 Ace Who Was Raised By The Joker (Prime Earth)

In theBatman Annual storyline, Ace first belonged to Joker, who used him and other dogs as attack dogs that wore masks with playing card suits on them. Joker later gets rid of the dogs, leaving them to attack each other with Ace being the only dog still alive when he's eventually found by Batman.

Feeling bad for the dog, Alfred later adopted Ace after he was taken to the pound, even after the employees told him that Ace would be dangerous. For a while, Ace still tried to attack people and didn't listen well when Alfred tried to train him by himself. He was eventually accepted as a member of the Bat-Family after a few months of training and showing affection for Batman.

2 Ace Who Was Killed By Athanasia Al Ghul (Injustice)

In theInjustice universe, a lot of strange, sudden, and major events happen, including Alfred being killed by Mr. Zsasz and then being resurrected after Damian put him in the Lazarus Pit. As Alfred is recovering from these events, Batman finds a dog that survived an attack on a small town.

Batman decides to give the dog to Alfred after naming him Ace, and Alfred bonds with the dog for a short while. Their time together could've been longer, but during this storyline, Athanasia al Ghul, the daughter of Talia al Ghul and Batman, comes to Wayne Manor with the intention of fighting with Batman. As her anger builds, she lashes out and shoots Ace, kills him, and tries to attack Alfred and Batman.

1 Ace The Bat-Hound Who Helps Fight Off The Anti-Living (DCeased)

In one of the newest DC storylines,DCeased showed an Anti-Life virus spreading across the world, turning those who are exposed to it into zombie-like creatures. Ace the Bat-Hound helps fight the Anti-Living people after Jason Todd finds him in the Batcave. Ace was the last one to remain in the Batcave after Alfred had to kill Batman, Nightwing, and Tim Drake since they were all infected with the virus.

At first, Ace travels with Jason, Cassandra Cain, and Commissioner Gordon as they try to find other survivors. Soon after, they find a group of villains who are also trying to survive, and they all temporarily agree to work together and form the Unkillables team. When the team works together to save a group of young orphans from the Anti-Living, Ace shines as a hero, successfully attacking any Anti-Living before they can harm the children.

NEXT: Batman: Every Villain Who Successfully Took Over Gotham

Next DC: 10 Heroes Everyone Forgets Defeated Lex Luthor

About The Author

Morgan Austin (8 Articles Published)

Morgan Austin has loved comics since she was old enough to read, and she enjoyed reading most of her mom's original Wonder Woman comics. Now, she loves Fruits Basket, YuGiOh, Batman comics, and has a large collection of Tiny Titans comics.

More From Morgan Austin

What Is Batman's Dog's Name

Source: https://www.cbr.com/dc-comics-batman-all-pets-chronological-order/

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