Donkey Kong Country Game Boy Color Review Mobygames
User Reviews
"An APEaling Game..." | So Hai (371) | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Game over. | GAMEBOY Color! (2002) | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Not a bad effort to re-create the SNES archetype... | Kartanym (12710) | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Our Users Say
Category | Clarification | User Score |
AI | The quality of the game's intelligence, usually for the behavior of opponents. | iii.4 |
Gameplay | How well the game mechanics piece of work and the game plays. | three.9 |
Graphics | The visual quality of the game | 3.9 |
Personal Slant | A personal rating of the game, regardless of other attributes | 3.viii |
Sound / Music | The quality of the sound effects and/or music limerick | 3.8 |
Story / Presentation | The main creative ideas in the game and how well they are executed. This rating is used for every game except compilations and special editions which don't take unique game content not available in a standalone game or DLC. | 3.5 |
Overall User Score (42 votes) | 3.7 |
Critic Reviews
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If someone accosted you in the loftier street and said a GB version of the archetype DK Country would exist superior, you lot'd have reached for the straightjacket. However, one-half-an-hour after playing it you'd sheepishly have to undo the straps of the declared nutter. This game is brilliant and the but difference to the SNES version is the rendered sequences. This is a small price to pay as it's cram-packed with particular, beautiful blitheness and most precious of all, gameplay. Amazing, one of the best things for the Game Boy e'er.
Donkey Kong Land est un des plus beaux jeux de plates-formes sur Game Boy. Un grand striking!
Wer hätte gedacht, daß man so geniale Grafiken und flüssige Animationen aus dem Game Boy rauskitzeln kann. Ass Kong und seine Kollegen bewegen sich genauso realistisch und schnell wie ihre 16-Bit-Vorbilder. Ab und zu flackert es zwar gewaltig, wenn zuviele Sprites gleichzeitig auf dem Bildschirm auftauchen, aber das tut dem Spaß keinen Abbruch. Seim Levelaufbau haben sich die Zauberer von Rare einige Neuerungen einfallen lassen, z.B. die steuerbaren Plattformen und die Luftballons, die ständig die Größe verändern. Etwas genervt hat mich dice teilweise ungenaue Steuerung, die mich unnötig viele Leben kostet vor allem in den Stages, wo es auf exaktes Springen und Timing ankommt. Außerdem empfehle ich Euch dringend, Donkey Kong Country auf dem Super Game Boy zu spielen, denn auf dem Handheld erschwert der Verwischeffekt bei schnellen Bewegungen das Ganze zudem noch zusätzlich. Auf jeden Fall ist Ass Kong Land definitv ein Grund, den Kasten nochmal aus der Schublade zu holen.
DKL is easily the best action game in GB history and now ranks behind Zelda on my all fourth dimension GB list. Equally if the SGI apes weren't enough, when I saw the parallax, I almost fell out of my chair. The music in DKL is remarkably good. If y'all wanna crush this ane, you may find the Super GB the way to play. DKL is actually a picayune than DKC. Skilful show Nintendo. The Game Male child lives on!
Donkey Kong Land is an essential Gameboy addition. I remember, after having spent more time with it, I was a little rash in giving information technology the number 2 spot on the Gameboy Must Haves list, because Zelda is a better game, unquestionably. I'll make the change to the list and you should run and bank check DKL out. If you oasis't already overdosed on Donkey Kong Kookiness and you're in the market for a portable, world class, diversion for your scratched upwards Gameboy, you're actually going to love this one. Information technology's great on the bus or when yous're standing in line for movies, concerts or vaccination shots. It has a handy relieve feature, so every fourth dimension you choice it upwardly, it's similar opening a new chapter in a book. It really is time for Nintendo to release a full color 16-bit (at to the lowest degree) portable but for now, gaming on the go is doin' just fine with the illustrious, eight-chip, Mr. Kong.
All in all, Donkey Kong Country is ane of the best platformers for the Game Boy since the original Super Mario Country games, and should be bought by anyone set up for more than monkey mayhem.
The graphics and sounds are the best I've seen for the Game Male child yet. Inspirational is what it is. Plus the game is more fun than a lot of game for 16-bit systems. Donkey Kong State includes new areas of Donkey Kong Land includes Big Ape Metropolis, Gangplank Galleon and Chimpanzee Clouds. Spotter out for new enemies like Hogwash the Flying Pig, Nautilus, Fangfish, Hard Hat and Swirlwind Warning. Big fun.
Was hat dieses gelbe Modul mit meinem Game Boy gemacht? Grafisch und soundtechnisch bietet Ass Kong Country einen solchen Genuß, daß man zugeben muß, die Jungs von Rare trotz aller guten Vorsätze ein weiteres mal unterschätzt zu haben. Auch spielerisch ist DKL affengut. Die Game Boy-Version kann mit der des großen Bruders oder Schwester (Loretta!), zumindest auf dem Super Game Boy, durchaus mithalten. Lediglich auf dem kleinen Game Boy Screen verabschiedet sich die Übersichtlichkeit von Zeit zu Zeit, was unnötigerweise das eine oder andere Affenleben kosten kann. Absolut genial sind die Innovationen, die mit aufs Modul gepackt wurden. And so z.B. eine bewegliche Plattform, die immer dann ihre Richtung wechselt, wenn einer unserer Afgenfreunde auf sie springt, oder sie mit einer Mauer in Berührung kommt. All das hat dazu geführt. daß es Donkey Kong Land doch tatsächlich geschafft lid, mich für mehrere Stunden von meiner Freundin Steffi fernzuhalten.
If you're expecting a title equivalent to DKC, you'll be very disappointed. But if you're looking for a Game Male child game that'll go on you busy for hours, DKL is a fine choice.
Going by the instruction volume story, the idea that this game would testify Ass Kong Country was more than merely a pretty face is slightly flawed. Whilst visually information technology tin't come close to the SNES title, by Game Boy standards these are definitely "fancy graphics", simply that doesn't actually affair equally fans tin rejoice in what is basically an extra 34 levels of DKC. Tight controls and a variety of locations and enemies make for an enjoyable platformer, and add in the challenge of finding everything and Donkey Kong Land is a fun game that will keep players occupied for some time.
The difficulty was cranked up for this cart. Some later stages require painstakingly careful movements. 1 false move and you could lose a hit or an unabridged life. With such strong gameplay and graphics, Ass Kong Country is a formidable attempt considering what information technology accomplishes on a portable system.
Insgesamt ist „Ass Kong Land" ein recht geradliniges Jump&Run, das leichte Defizite in der Darstellung und im Gameplay aufweist. Nintendo hat sich sehr eng an die sixteen-Scrap-Vorlage gehalten, wodurch sich jeder DK-Fan sofort heimisch fühlen wird. Die leichten, aber merklichen Mängel in der Grafik wirken sich jedoch so sehr auf dice Spielbarkeit aus, daß ein bitterer Nachgeschmack aufkommt. Zu unfair und willenlos wirkt zuweilen das Leveldesign oder das Auftauchen und Agieren der Gegner. Spielerisch ist es somit mindestens eine Bananenlänge von den Super-Mario-Titeln entfernt, aber wahre Affen-Fans werden um einen Kauf kaum herumkommen.
This is clearly the worst of the iii DKL games, merely for its time, it was an excellent title. Y'all may consider a buy today since yous tin acquire it at a bargain price.
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